Saturday, February 4, 2012

Can anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?

This guy i know most likely has adhd he accepts that himself if not he says something else must be wrong. he is driving his partner insane and acts like a child been to see one mental health doctor who laughed at him and said no one knows about that in my area! (west midlands uk) does anyone know of a good doctor with at least an intrest in adult adhd and if so how to go about contacting him or her? if we need to willing to travel further afield in the uk. Many thanks.Can anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?I would phone the Woodbourne Priory hospital(private) and ask if anyone specialises in this condition and if they do do they also do NHS work (If they don't it might be worth a one of consultation privately for the assessment process- then they might be able to recommend someone NHS)

Tel 0121 429 8661Can anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?
I know the best doctor. I've not only heard but personally received several cures from him. Such as depression, arthritis, cancer, tendinitis, removal of a sliver embedded in my eye (without surgery), etc. He does it all and it cost nothing with no side effects. HE"S interested in curing any and all diseases. His number's in the Bible and you can contact HIM on your knees. HIS title is GOD and HIS sons name IS JESUS. Oh! yea HIS work is guaranteed or your soul back.Can anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?Ask at your local health center %26amp; Good LuckCan anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?

Look on the net for any local organisations who deal with Asbergers and or ADHA, some of these group are run by parents who deal with children that suffer with similar disorders. Those parents are almost experts on the subject. They will be able to recommend someone for your friends partner. The doc concerned may not specialise in the adult version of the disorder but they will know about the disorder itself and be able to reffer your friends partner. It's just as important that your friend gets support too from other people like here... living with others that have ADHDCan anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?No i don't but i would say to try looking in the yellow pages, to see if you can find a therapist that treats adult?Can anyone tell me how to find a good mental health doctor around the west midlands who's treats adult adhd?
are you sure he is nt taking any substances,i`m serious.

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