Monday, February 20, 2012

Government already regulates our health in this country?

Without the government, you would be forced to live in places with lead paint, exposed to children with measles, forced to eat food products without knowing what ingredients were in them.

Where am I going with this? Suddenly, there's lack of trust with the government simply because Obama proposes they pay for your health care?

Stop the madness and think before you accuse the government of not being on your side when it comes to your health.

Why do you think government gets a bad rap in terms of your health? Are you unhealthy? dying? What made you not trust them? Bad experience? I really want to understand your side of the story here.Government already regulates our health in this country?Native American reservations get government run health care, yet they have the worst health in the country...

Interesting...Government already regulates our health in this country?
The state is more accountable to the individual than the federal govt and local govt even more so.

I don't trust the govt with my health care, no. Not for a second. Look at what they have done to every other program they collected funds for. Regulation is bad enough because it is often to cause barriers to reduce competition. However, regulation isn't expensive. Welfare programs are. Money in government tends to disappear to special interests.Government already regulates our health in this country?We already are eating food that has nasty poisonings and chemicals in them. No such thing as a small time farmer anymore, big corporations tell them what cheap chemicals and methods to use in growing our food. And then our government gives these companies billions.

States have laws implemented that wouldn't allow homes to sell that are dangerous to health, not the federal government.

The federal government is suppose to act in the background not the foreground. Let the state governments take care of issues they see fit, that's why we have states. We are like 50 little countries. When our federal government insists on doing everything it raises our taxes and more bureaucracy.
Hi, welcome to the United States.

The government has been so trustworthy with Social Security, public schools, medicare, medicaid, heck they can't pull off an honest election. How many new private jets did the socialists need to buy?

And financially responsible with military spending, and that great stimulus program, Tarp, the budget? Yes, responsible, caring people all. I can't wait to put the health of my family in their hands.

Meanwhile they haven't even passed this little slice of socialism and they are talking about taxing soft drinks, taxing the overweight, taxing smokers, taxing certain foods. Limiting services to people who don't live the government way. Witholding services to the elderly.

FREEDOM BABY, YEA.Government already regulates our health in this country?Lead paint is only dangerous when eaten ,it tastes sweet to kids which is why they eat it,b/c their crack head mother is using her food stamp money to buy crack,when it is peeling off the walls in their roach infested apartments. I don't trust the government with my money.period.The people who are running our government both parties-couldn't find their face in the dark, they may get lost in a one car funeral.Government already regulates our health in this country?
Excellent points! Many people need to read your pose and understand that if it wasn't for government regulation (laws) we would be one screwed up society all in the name of greed.

Bible thumpers? Refresh my does state several places in the Bible about the ills of I correct? Just checking.

Without regulations, so many industries and businesses would take advantage of you to the point that the end result would be death......your death. Bad and or toxic meds, tainted foods, product liability issues would surmount.....etc......
I was in the Navy and I had gull stones. I went to NHGL (Naval Hospital Great Lakes) at 3 am... no one else there. Told him that I hadn't slept in 3 days because of the pain. 800 mg Motrin and sent me home... NADDA NOTHING ELSE.

6 hours later I was in Lake Forest Hospital with an ultrasound within 30 minutes of me being there and admitted to a room to wait for surgery the next day.

Now... what would I have done without that PRIVATE hospital to help me when the GOVERNMENT hospital wouldn't give me anything but Motrin. I was told that they "didn't have the resources to check everyone that has stomach pains thoroughly".

Trust my government... you have GOT to be kidding.Government already regulates our health in this country?
You guys really don't get it, do you? You are constantly complaining about the banks and the evil corporations and the greedy this and that, yet the only institution that can actually take away your freedoms is the government, and they are taking away more and more every single day. They are NOT your friend.
time to castrate the congress and the federal government in general

they have overstepped their bounds

and need to be spanked

the states may have the right to do this stuff

the feds do not
Its called putting profit before doing what is best for America, that is what the political right is all about.
That is what government is For . To protect the Very American people who pay them well to do so.
"They" who pays for the health care. The "they" of government is us, you ninny. You think Obama is going to take money out of his pocket and pay for your health care? No, it will come out of the millions of poor and middle class people's pockets. All the rich people in America can't afford a trillion dollars to pay for Obama's pet project. Who will pay next year, and the year after that? We're broke already.

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