Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are there any health benefits for women who have not borne children?

I am 40. Two older women at work were sharing hysterectomy stories with me. Both had had two children, both had been found to have a "dead" ovary and extensive uterine fibroids, both had been age 48 at the time of surgery. It made me wonder if my decision to remain childless (one terminated pregnancy before the 3rd month) would affect my health in any beneficial way. I have been on birth control pills since age 18.Are there any health benefits for women who have not borne children?Congratulations on being child free. My girlfriend is 38, and I am 42. We are both 100% child free.

I don't think there is much difference in your feminine health. Some men claim that their wife does not "feel" the same on the inside of her xxxx once she had given birth. I have dated both mothers and child free. I never noted anything different that could not be attributed to being a different person.

I have noted that most child free people look younger. We are often mistaken for a couple in our 20's. But that is just about the only difference. My brother is younger than I am, and does not go out in the sun as much, but looks much older than I am because he has stepchildren.Are there any health benefits for women who have not borne children?Not really. Your body is designed to have children, and you'd probably be healthier if you'd given birth at least once. The idea of pregnancy and/or breast feeding destroying a woman's body is a myth. Many children can hurt a woman's health, yes, but a woman who's had one child is usually going to be healthier than one with no children.
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