Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care?

If America is the greatest nation on earth, why are Americans getting the short end of the stick? Why are health care and education things that are reserved only for the priveleged in this country? Why can't we follow the lead of Europe and Canada, where EVERYONE has coverage for around $40 per month for a family of FOUR? Why does medicine cost so much? Why are the pharmaceutical companies lining their pockets with our hard-earned money? Why don't Americans stand up and do something about it? Why do child molestors, murderers, and rapists in prison get health care, while law-abiding citizens do not?Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care?Because it was the intent of our founders to be at the top of the heap from a technological standpoint, while maintaining a sense of individual freedom amongst the people. Freedom isn't easy to achieve, and sometimes there are obstacles.

Look at the universal healthcare systems in Canada and the UK. People have to wait months to get operations. Thousands of Canadians jump the border to get healthcare every year in places like Detroit, Buffalo, and even Toledo Ohio. It's because they're willing to pay money to get care on a timely basis. Capitalism works. This nation was based on it, rather than the nanny state mentality of European nations.Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care?Because our government is corupt.Why is America the only industrialized nation without universal health care?our healthcare system is based on a "free market" concept- competition keeps prices in check, improves quality and providers are free to make a "profit"

Most Canadians come HERE for can take up to 6 months to actually SEE a Dr in Canada...

I don't want to subsidize care for people who don't want to pay for their own...

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