Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?

...out of business (so they can cut jobs) too!

These people obviously haven't made enough sacrifices for this economy.

If the welfare folks would just get to work (there is plenty to be done), we wouldn't have this problems!Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?What?Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?
You seem like a warm, caring human being.Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?This is not a question, this is a rant by a troll.Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?
So what your saying is that people should not be removed or try to remove themselves from welfare because it may affect a grocer, child care provider or health care professional?

First off, why would the child care provider be affected? Also, almost all reasonable people know that we must have a welfare system because sometimes things happen that you can not control and a basic safety net is reasonable.

But if you are an able bodied man or woman then you should get off the back of the taxpayers who would also like to visit the health care professional and grocer and who really could use the services of a child care provider.

Lastly, if the welfare recipients got a job they would still visit all those people so nothing would change.Why don't we end welfare so we can put some health care professionals, grocers, and child care providers?Trust me, there would be a lot more trouble ending welfare than just keeping it how it is now. Disease would spread quicker from the jobless not being able to buy medicine, the poor would result to stealing more than they already do to just barely survive. Maybe reduce welfare a bit, but never get rid of it. The troubles would be endless.

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