Sunday, January 29, 2012

Child's health.?

My two yrs old son regularly get ill.

Don't take his diet properly.

Not gaining weight.

PLS HELP.Child's health.?every child is different. the only one that can answer your question specifically about your child; is his dr. discuss this throroughtly with him/her.Child's health.?
grind some garlic,beetle leaves,ginger,asafotidea,tulsi,and one more is they say it as om leaves i don't have the correct name it comes in the form of grain also and leaves if you ask in a shop where they sale javatri they would give you that om it would be a little hot and give the essence of the grinded paste he would go motions and he would take his diet properly and he would gain weight and he would eat well avoid biscuits for him and junk food which causes ill health if he ate one full biscuit he must at least drink 2 glasses of water for the flour to dissolve so make sure of itChild's health.?do you have health insurence and a pediatrician??? what is his diet????? some children as they get a little older will not gain as much because they are starting to run and play more. my daughter actually lost weight. her doc said is ok, she eats and is healthy, just active!!!.......... please clarify and i can better answer....Child's health.?
More fruits and veggies! Especially avocados - they are high in fat (the good kind) and nutrient content as well.Child's health.?Try giving him Flintstones vitamins plus immunity support. I started giving to my daughters after they started head start last year. They were getting sick every other week until I started giving them the vitamins. After they were hardly ever sick.Child's health.?
Do you have him on any type of vitamin suppliments?

That will help with the poor diet. As far as not gaining weight my son is rather small as well (5% percentile according to his dr.) but he's also pretty tall (over the top of chart) so it pretty much evens him out.

Maybe he's hitting a growth spurt and that's why his eating habits are poor and he's not gaining weight.

Have u made an appt. with the dr.?

I would start there and voice your concerns to them

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