Monday, February 20, 2012

Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?

My husband and I are thinking about having baby. Thanks.

Concerning about everything, including child health.Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?If your husband is in good health, go for it! My father was 46 when I was born. Honestly, he was my primary care giver from the time I was 12 years old because my mother had a mental illness. I did worry about his health more than my friends seemed to worry about their parents but my worry was pretty unfounded. He lived to a ripe old age of 86 and I was 40 years old when he died. He had raised me, put me thru college and a graduate program, and seen me stable in my own home with a great paying job before he left this life. So go ahead and have that baby. Just keep in mind your child may have some anxiety when it comes to Dad's health so do all you can to eat right, exercise and show him/her that you'll be around to see them as stable productive adults. Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?
From a health standpoint, age is far less of a concern for fathers than it is for mothers. However, there are definitely issues with the quality of sperm declining with age, according to recent research. That said, plenty of men far older than that father children every day, and 48 is pretty young nowadays. 40 is the new 30, as they say. If you want a child, go for it - talk to your doctor(s) if you're concerned. Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?Well it may be a little older then other fathers choose to have kids. but its never too late to become parents. My mom was 44 when i was born my dad was 43, the age i am now. I grew up healthy but I wasnt planned and a big suprise baby, so I think my mom and dad regretted sometimes having me. I think mabe it took away the years that they expected to have to themselfs, retire, travel. with all the kids grown and out of the house. If they did regret me they sure didnt show it.
If he can get it up..( sorry for the bluntness).he can be a father. The question he Dad material? If he is dad material , and his sperm count is good, then it's never too late. I hope everything works out and soon you'll be parents! Congrats in advance! Hope this helps....Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?yea i think thats a little late

you could always try adopting and older child (although you have to have a lot of patience since a lot of them have anger/phycological troubles from the live they've had so far)

good luck =)Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?
It's never to late. Did you hear about the lady who gave birth to twin at 60 something. The thing is that it is a higher change of the baby being born with a disablitiy.
I think that is pretty old to be a father, but if you feel it's what you two both want, then go ahead. My brother is 6 now and my dad was 44 when my mom had my brother. Is it too late for a 48 years old guy to be a father?
Of course not as long as he is in good health.
i don't think so.

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